It's ok to be a bit rubbish!

I blame school.

All that focus on becoming slightly less terrible at the subjects that don’t come easily to us.

Can you imagine what might have happened if instead of working so hard on our ‘weaknesses’, we’d been encouraged to focus on getting even better at the subjects we were naturally brilliant at?

Don’t get me wrong, there are many wonderful teachers out there who do encourage their pupils to find the thing they love and then go all in. But for many, that wasn’t their experience.

Pair that with our built-in negativity bias, and is it any wonder so many of us go through life beating ourselves up about all the things we’re rubbish at?

I wonder what would happen if we allowed ourselves to be rubbish at some things. If we openly admitted it. Shouted our rubbishness from the rooftops.

I’ll go first:

I’m rubbish at coming up with new, exciting ideas in my business.

There. I said it.

And whilst I could give myself a hard time about that, instead I’ve chosen to accept it. That’s why you’ll very rarely see me shouting about my new and exciting course, offer, freebie…erm… something else (see? I’m even struggling to come up with ideas for what the ideas could be 😂)!

Instead, I’ve figured out how I can use my natural strengths to help those who need them, and I double down on that.

I know I can’t be brilliant at coming up with a bazillion new ideas every half an hour, so I’m not even going to try.

But I CAN be brilliant at helping other people make THEIR ideas happen. (The good news there is that my favourite people to work with have no shortage of ideas - they don't need any more from me! 😊)

And when I need a dose of creativity and inspiration in my business? I look outside of myself. Which is why I’m working with a brilliantly creative marketing coach right now to help me with the stuff I find hard.

So, what are you rubbish at? Are you courageous enough to tell me? To share it with the world?

And once you've acknowledged the thing you're rubbish at, what are you going to do about it? Can you let go of the need to fix it, and enjoy success regardless? Or does admitting you’re rubbish at something leave a gap that needs filling by something or someone outside of you?

For example, if you're rubbish at completing the things you start, maybe I can help? I may not be an ideas-generating machine, but I CAN take the ideas you already have, and help you make them happen. (Book a virtual cuppa if that’s something you’d like to explore.)

Here’s to letting go of things you’re rubbish at and giving all your oomph to the things you’re brilliant at. The world needs you out there, doing your amazing thing and making a bigger impact!


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