Tip of the month: step away from your inbox!


Today's tip of the months is a quick one!

Turn off your emails.

If you're anything like me, as soon as you see a notification telling you there's a new email in your inbox, curiosity kicks in.

No matter how hard we try to resist, there's no escaping the pull. What if we're missing something urgent or exciting?

So more often that not, even if we're in the middle of something, we check our inbox.

And then? Whether we find ourselves disappointed that it's just another email trying to sell us something, or excited that someone's asking about our services, the cost is always the same: we've allowed ourselves to become distracted and put someone else's agenda above our own.

Instead of allowing yourself to be pushed and pulled around by your email, put yourself back in control and close your inbox down. Turn off notifications and refrain from checking emails on your phone.

It may feel uncomfortable at first - FOMO will undoubtedly raise its ugly head - but rarely do we receive an email that can't wait a few hours, and the impact on your focus will be well worth it. 

Whether you block out regular e-mail-free stretches of time or schedule fixed times when you'll check your email, consistency is really helpful with this one. It'll soon become second nature, and your improved focus will help you fly through your to-do list!

Does this feel like something you could introduce into your day? Let me know what you think in the comments below. I'd love to hear how you get on!

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