How do you know what's most important?

Last week I shared my new, gentler definition of productivity. The one that freed me up to support people to get things done in a way that feels calm, kind and sustainable over the long-term (as opposed to the MORE MORE MORE FASTER FASTER FASTER vibe that can cause so much damage to our poor nervous systems if we stay in it for too long).

(If you missed it, you can check out last week’s blog here.)

My new definition is all about getting the important things done efficiently so we can create space for what we love.

It’s about letting go of busy work, focusing instead on the activities that are actually going to move the needle for you and your business.

That's why every single month I ask Make It Happen Club members the following question:

"Are you clear which tasks on your list are most important/impactful/valuable to you?”

Might pausing to ask yourself that question serve you as you navigate your own to-do list?

It's a strangely powerful question, but isn't always easy to answer. Particularly if you're stuck in overwhelm and you can't see the wood for the trees. 

If that's you, I have another suggestion to help you figure out what is and isn't important: check back in with your vision. 

What do you want your life to look or feel like? 

What do you want your business to look or feel like? 

Take a moment to remember why you started your business in the first place, perhaps adding an extra layer by thinking about your values.

Then, when you’re feeling connected to what you’re trying to achieve, look at your to-do list again.

Has your perspective on what’s important shifted?

Maybe now you can spot some ‘shoulds’ lurking on the list. Or tasks that would take you further away from your vision instead of moving you closer to it.

Drowning in a sea of too-much-to-do? Experiment with looking at your to-do list through your bigger-picture goggles and see if that brings what’s most important into focus.

At the very least, reminding yourself of your Big Why might give you a boost of motivation and oomph. Which can only be a good thing, right? 

If you give it a go, let me know! I'd love to hear from you. 

And if you find it tricky to figure out what’s most important on your own, please do get in touch and let’s see if I can help!


Stop leaping about all over the place! Listen to Louise on the Make It Real podcast


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