How to navigate a busy week!

Oof, last week was a biggie! I’m changing things up a bit inside Make It Happen Club, and have been in my element figuring out all the finer details. SO. MUCH. FUN!

But that wasn’t all I was up to. I also had lots of virtual cuppas, a session with my coach, a proposal to write, laser mentoring 1:1s with my Make It Happen Club members, AND I went to the circus! The Digital Circus, that is, hosted by Yellow Tuxedo. I spent an entire day networking, topping up on inspiration, and generally having lots of fun. 

(I just did a quick headcount, and realised I had to one-to-one conversations with fifteen humans last week, which for this introverted soul is unheard of! 😱)

Want to know how I juggled taking action on an exciting project and navigating a very full week without losing the plot or burning the candle at both ends?

Here’s a quick behind-the-scenes snapshot for you, so you can see that it doesn't have to be complicated - all it takes is a little planning…

First, I mapped out everything that needs to happen before I announce the changes I'm making to Make It Happen Club. Thankfully my brain works in a very linear way (that’s one of my superpowers 🤩), so it didn’t take long to scribble down the decisions I need to make and the tasks I need to get done.

Once that was done, I printed off a calendar for the whole year, laid it out on the floor and made some decisions about what’s happening and when.

Then I looked at my diary, guesstimated how much time I need to get everything done, and set myself a deadline (tasks will always expand to fill the time we give them, so self-imposed deadlines can be a great way to avoid getting stuck in procrastination).

Once I'd made some key decisions and scribbled my project outline, it was time to start getting things done.

But instead of barrelling straight in like a bull in a china shop, I paused to check in with my capacity. How much time did I have? And how much energy and headspace? And then I looked at my project outline and chose my focus. And because I had a full week, I chose tasks that didn't require too much mental or emotional bandwidth, spending many happy hours engrossed in web page updates and copy editing. 

Why am I telling you this? 

Because I want you to see what’s possible when you navigate your week intentionally, with a plan, knowing what’s most important, and mindful of the commitments that are already in your diary.

Yes, I had a lot going on last week. But I was aware of that from the outset, and set my expectations accordingly. I didn’t let myself off the hook with the project that’s important to the growth of my business, but I did give myself permission to put it down on Tuesday, so I could focus on serving my clients and soaking up the Digital Circus experience.

I looked for big chunks of time in which I could focus on my project, and used the smaller gaps between calls to nurture relationships on LinkedIn, respond to emails and take breaks.

I worked more hours last week than I have in a long time and yes, I was tired by Friday afternoon, but it was the good kind of tired.  And whilst I wouldn't want to have that much going on all the time (I love my space and am careful about how much I allow into my weeks), every now and then I find it energising!  

So how about you, ? Could you move through your weeks with a little more intention, checking in with your to-do list AND checking in with your capacity, before consciously choosing what gets your attention and when? 

What would that look like for you? And how might things feel different when you take that moment to pause before barrelling in? 

If you need some help when it comes to creating achievable, flexible plans that feel good, please do get in touch. You don’t have to figure it out alone - I’d love to chat and to see how I can support you!


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Are you giving yourself enough time?