Reframing productivity on the Start A Movement With Your Message podcast

"If you haven't had at least two breakdowns you're not working hard enough."

Can you believe that a manager would think it's ok to say that to a member of their team?

My mind was well and truly boggled when Hannah Power shared that with me as we recorded this episode of her fabulous Start A Movement With Your Message podcast. You'll be relieved to know that neither of us subscribe to that completely ridiculous - and VERY damaging - way of thinking!

I loved this conversation, not least because Hannah and I are in some ways very different. Hannah describes herself as fast-paced, whereas I'm naturally much slower. And yet we've both experienced burn-out and chosen to reframe the way we view productivity as a result.

If you feel like you’re constantly fighting to keep up and it often feels like the months are passing you by, you can listen to the full episode here.


Are you giving yourself enough time?


Can you spot me panic?